Cato Institute

Cato Institute
Established 1977
Chairman Robert A. Levy
President Edward H. Crane
Faculty 46
Staff 100
Budget $29 million
Location Washington, D.C.

1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, D.C. 20001

The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C.. It was founded by Charles Koch, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the oil conglomerate Koch Industries, Inc., the second largest privately held company (after Cargill) by revenue in the United States,[1] together with Edward H. Crane and Murray Rothbard in 1977.[2]

The Institute's stated mission is "to broaden the parameters of public policy debate to allow consideration of the traditional American principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and peace" by striving "to achieve greater involvement of the intelligent, lay public in questions of (public) policy and the proper role of government." Cato scholars conduct policy research on a broad range of public policy issues, and produce books, studies, op-eds, and blog posts. They are also frequent guests in the media.

The Cato Institute is a non-partisan think tank, and its scholars' views are not consistently aligned with either major political party. Cato scholars were sharply critical of George W. Bush's administration (2001–2009) on a wide variety of issues, including the Iraq War, civil liberties, education, agriculture, energy policy, and excessive government spending. However, on other issues, most notably health care,[3] Social Security,[4][5] global warming,[6] tax policy,[7] and immigration,[8][9][10][11][12] Cato scholars had praised Bush administration initiatives. During the 2008 U.S. presidential election, Cato scholars criticized both major-party candidates, John McCain[13][14] and Barack Obama.[15][16]

The Cato Institute is named the fifth most influential think tank in the world in a study by the University of Pennsylvania in 2010.[17] The same research named Cato the world's "top think tank for innovative ideas" in 2009.[18]



Cato Institute building in Washington, D.C.

The Institute was founded in San Francisco in 1977 by Edward H. Crane and initially funded by Charles G. Koch. Libertarian economist Murray Rothbard was a core member of Cato's founding group and coined the institute's name. Rothbard served on its board until leaving in 1981.[19]

The Institute is named after Cato's Letters, a series of British essays penned in the early 18th century by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon expounding the political views of philosopher John Locke. The essays were named after Cato the Younger, the defender of republican institutions in Rome. Cato relocated to Washington, D.C. in 1981, settling first in a historic house on Capitol Hill.[20] The Institute moved to its current location on Massachusetts Avenue in 1993.


The Cato Institute publishes numerous policy studies, briefing papers, periodicals, and books. Its periodicals include Cato's Letter, Cato Journal, Regulation, Cato Supreme Court Review, and Cato Policy Report.

The Cato Journal[21][22] and Regulation[23][24] are peer-reviewed academic journals.

Some of Cato's books include Social Security: The Inherent Contradiction, In Defense of Global Capitalism, Voucher Wars, You Can't Say That!: The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties from Antidiscrimination Laws, Peace and Freedom: A Foreign Policy for a Constitutional Republic, Restoring the Lost Constitution, and Reclaiming the Mainstream: Individualist Feminism Reconsidered.[25][26] Cato scholars also write books that are published by outside publishers, such as Libertarianism: A Primer by David Boaz (Free Press), The Age of Abundance by Brink Lindsey (HarperBusiness), and Restoring the Lost Constitution by Randy Barnett (Princeton University Press).

Cato published Inquiry Magazine from 1977 to 1982 (before transferring it to the Libertarian Review Foundation), and Literature of Liberty from 1978 to 1979 (before transferring it to the Institute for Humane Studies, where it was ended in 1982). They also had a monograph series called "Cato Papers" that ran 16 volumes from 1979 to 1980.

Ideological relationships


In the years immediately following the Republican Revolution, the Cato Institute was often seen as a standard-bearer of the U.S. conservative political movement. Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, credited with reshaping and rejuvenating the Republican Party, and key contributors to the late-20th century conservative movement, were heavily influenced by libertarian ideals.

However, the Cato Institute officially resists being labeled as part of the conservative movement because "conservative smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo".[27] Such tensions have become increasingly evident in recent years, as the Institute has become sharply critical of current Republican leaders.[28] The growing division may be attributable to Republican officeholders' growing support of policies promoting government intervention in the economy and society, increased budgetary spending, and neoconservative foreign policies.

Cato scholars have also been critical of the expansion of executive power under President George W. Bush[29] and the Iraq War.[30] In 2006 and 2007, Cato published two books critical of the Republican Party's perceived abandonment of the limited-government ideals that swept them into power in 1994.[31][32] For their part, only a minority of Republican congressmen supported President George W. Bush’s 2005 proposal to partially privatize Social Security, an idea strongly backed by the Institute. And in the 109th Congress, President Bush's immigration plan—which was based on a proposal by Cato scholar Dan Griswold[33]—went down to defeat largely due to the eventual opposition of conservative Republican congressmen.[34]

Cato President Ed Crane has a particular dislike for neoconservatism. In a 2003 article with Cato Chairman Emeritus William A. Niskanen, he called neoconservatism a "particular threat to liberty perhaps greater than the ideologically spent ideas of left-liberalism."[35] As far back as 1995, Crane wrote that neoconservatives "have a fundamentally benign view of the state," which Crane considers antithetical to libertarian ideals of individual freedom.[36] Cato's foreign policy team have frequently criticized neoconservative foreign policy.[37]


Cato's scholars advocate positions that are appealing to many on the left-hand side of the American political spectrum, including support for civil liberties, liberal immigration policies, and equal rights for gays and lesbians.[38][39] An early example of this effort was the launching of Inquiry Magazine, which was aimed at liberals who shared libertarians' skepticism about concentrated state power.

More recently, in 2006, Markos Moulitsas proposed the term libertarian Democrat to describe his liberal position, suggesting that libertarians should be allies of the Democratic Party. Replying, Cato vice president for research Brink Lindsey agreed that libertarians and liberals should view each other as natural ideological allies,[40] but noted continuing differences between mainstream liberal views on economic policy and Cato's "Jeffersonian philosophy".

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.[41]

However, there remain significant differences between liberalism and libertarianism on issues such as taxes, gun ownership, and school choice. As a consequence, the Cato Institute has criticized a number of decisions made by President Obama, just as it had regularly criticized decisions made by former President Bush.


Relations between the Cato Institute and Objectivist organizations have been strained. Ayn Rand scorned the nascent libertarian movement[42] and her intellectual heir, Leonard Peikoff, has followed her lead, refusing to associate with libertarian organizations, Cato included. Other Objectivist organizations, notably The Atlas Society, have been friendlier. Ed Crane has emphasized that Objectivists and other libertarians are natural allies, and encouraged Objectivists to become more involved in the libertarian movement. Cato Institute leaders have worked for years to improve relations between Objectivists and libertarians.[43]

Cato positions on current political issues

Following its motto, Cato scholars advocate policies that advance "individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace". They are libertarian in their policy positions, typically advocating diminished government intervention in domestic, social, and economic policies and decreased military and political intervention worldwide. Specific policy proposals advanced by Cato scholars include such measures as abolishing the minimum wage,[44] reforming policies on illegal drugs,[45] eliminating corporate welfare and trade barriers,[46] diminishing federal government involvement in the marketplace,[47] and in local and state issues,[48] enhanced school choice,[49] abolishing government-enforced discrimination, including both traditionally conservative racial profiling and traditionally liberal affirmative action, and abolishing restrictions on discrimination by private parties.[50]

On Social Security

The Cato Institute established its Project on Social Security Privatization in 1995, renaming it the Project on Social Security Choice in 2002. The change sought to emphasize that its proposals would allow Americans to opt in or out of the program. Like other organizations supporting the "personal healthcare savings accounts" concept, Cato scholars now avoid using the word privatization in describing such policies, due to the presently unpopular sentiments that the public associates with it.[4]

Cato's Social Security proposal involves giving workers the option of investing half of their contributions (6.2 pc) into individual accounts, in return for forgoing the accrual of any future Social Security entitlement benefits. For workers selecting this option, future claims on already-accrued Social Security benefits could be sold as bonds, allowing the workers to re-invest those funds in higher-yielding securities, if desired. However, for these workers, past and future payroll tax contributions to Social Security, nominally made on behalf of the employer, would go to funding the Social Security benefits of people remaining in the traditional system.

Cato scholars have emphasized that the present Social Security system is unsustainable, and will necessitate future tax hikes and benefit cuts to make ends meet. Because of the "pay as you go" nature of the system, present workers are taxed to support past ones (i.e., current retirees). As the ratio of workers-to-retirees drops, workers will bear an increasing payroll-tax burden. Cato scholars also emphasize the benefits of inheritability. Unlike the status quo, Cato's plan would allow workers who die before reaching their (variable) retirement age to leave the assets in their personal accounts to legal heirs.

In 2003, the Cato Institute asserted that Bush's social security privatization plan could be funded if funding for corporate welfare were reduced.[5]

On foreign policy and civil liberties

Cato's non-interventionist foreign policy views, and strong support for civil liberties, have frequently led Cato scholars to criticize those in power, both Republican and Democrat. Cato scholars opposed President George H. W. Bush's 1991 Gulf War operations, President Bill Clinton's interventions in Haiti and Kosovo, and President George W. Bush's 2003 invasion of Iraq. As a response to the September 11 attacks, Cato scholars supported the removal of al Qaeda and the Taliban regime from power, but are against an indefinite and open-ended military occupation of Afghanistan.[51]

Ted Galen Carpenter, Cato's Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies, criticized many of the arguments offered to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq. One of the war's earliest critics, Carpenter wrote in January 2002: "Ousting Saddam would make Washington responsible for Iraq's political future and entangle the United States in an endless nation-building mission beset by intractable problems."[52] Carpenter also predicted: "Most notably there is the issue posed by two persistent regional secession movements: the Kurds in the north and the Shiites in the south."[52] Cato's Director of Foreign Policy Studies, Christopher Preble, argues in The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free, that America's position as an unrivaled superpower tempts policymakers to constantly overreach and to redefine ever more broadly the "national interest".[53]

Cato policy experts have been similarly critical of recent perceived infringements upon American's civil liberties. They sharply criticized then-Attorney General Janet Reno's 1993 raid of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. More recently, they have opposed the USA Patriot Act, the imprisonment of so-called unlawful combatants such as José Padilla, and the second Bush Administration's aggressive assertions of unilateral executive authority.

On other domestic issues

Cato has published strong criticisms of the 1998 settlement that many U.S. states signed with the tobacco industry.[54] Among other laissez-faire policies, Cato scholars have argued for allowing immigrants to work in the U.S.[8]

The Cato Institute published a study proposing a Balanced Budget Veto Amendment to the United States Constitution.[55] This would, according to the study's author, act as a self-enforcing mechanism to reduce deficit spending by the U.S. government.

In 2003, Cato filed an amicus brief in support of the Supreme Court's decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down the few remaining state laws that made private, non-commercial homosexual relations between consenting adults illegal. Cato cited the 14th Amendment, among other things, as the source of their support for the ruling. The amicus brief was cited in Justice Kennedy's majority opinion for the Court.[56]

In 2006, Cato published a Policy Analysis criticising the Federal Marriage Amendment as unnecessary, anti-federalist, and anti-democratic.[57] The amendment would have changed the United States Constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage; the amendment failed in both houses of Congress.

Domestically, Cato scholars have been sharp critics of current U.S. drug policy,[45] and the perceived growing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.[58] Additionally, there is a strong objection to "nanny" laws such as smoking bans and mandatory use of seat belts.

On environmental policy

Cato scholars have written extensively about the issues of the environment, including global warming, environmental regulation, and energy policy. The Cato Institute lists "Energy and the Environment" as one of its 13 major "research issues",[59] and global warming is one of six sub-topics under this heading.[60] The Institute has issued over two dozen studies on energy and environmental topics in recent years, which is on par with Cato's other research areas.[61]

Some groups have criticized Cato's work on global warming.[62] Cato has held a number of briefings on global warming with global warming skeptics as panelists. In December 2003, panelists included Patrick Michaels, Robert Balling and John Christy. Michaels, Balling and Christy agree that global warming is, in fact, related at least some degree to anthropogenic activity but that some scientists and the media have overstated the danger. The Cato Institute has also criticized political attempts to stop global warming as expensive and ineffective:

No known mechanism can stop global warming in the near term. International agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, would have no detectable effect on average temperature within any reasonable policy time frame (i.e., 50 years or so), even with full compliance.[6]

In response to the Worldwatch Institute Report in May 2003 that linked climate change and severe weather events, Cato scholar Jerry Taylor said:

It's false. There is absolutely no evidence that extreme weather events are on the increase. None. The argument that more and more dollar damages accrue is a reflection of the greater amount of wealth we've created.

Three out of five "Doubters of Global Warming" interviewed by PBS's Frontline were funded by, or had some other institutional connection with, the Institute.[63] Cato has often criticized Al Gore's stances on the issue of global warming and agreed with the Bush administration's skeptical attitude toward the Kyoto protocols.

Cato scholars have also been critical of the Bush administration's views on energy policy. In 2003, Cato scholars Jerry Taylor and Peter Van Doren blasted the Republican Energy Bill as "hundreds of pages of corporate welfare, symbolic gestures, empty promises, and pork-barrel projects".[64] They have also spoken out against the president's calls for larger ethanol subsidies.[65]


The Cato Institute is classified as a 501(c)(3) organization under U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The Institute performs no contract research and does not accept government funding. For revenue, the Institute is largely dependent on private contributions.

According to its annual report, the Cato Institute had fiscal year 2008 income of $24 million. The report notes that 77% of Cato's income that year came from individual contributions, 13% from foundations, 2% from corporations, and 8% from "program and other income" (e.g., publication sales, program fees).[66]

Foundation support

The Cato Institute has been supported by dozens of foundations[67] including:

Corporate support

Like many think tanks, Cato receives support from a variety of corporations. In fiscal year 2008, corporate donations accounted for two percent of its budget.[66]

According to Cato supporters, the relative paucity of corporate funding has allowed the Institute to strike an independent stance in its policy research. In 2004, the Institute angered the U.S. pharmaceutical industry by publishing a paper arguing in favor of "drug re-importation."[68] A 2006 study attacked the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.[69] Cato has published numerous studies criticizing what it calls "corporate welfare", the practice of public officials funneling taxpayer money, usually via targeted budgetary spending, to politically-connected corporate interests.[70][71][72][73] For example, in 2002, Cato president Ed Crane and Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope co-wrote an op-ed piece in the Washington Post calling for the abandonment of the Republican energy bill, arguing that it had become little more than a gravy train for Washington, D.C. lobbyists.[74] Again in 2005, Cato scholar Jerry Taylor teamed up with Daniel Becker of the Sierra Club to attack the Republican Energy Bill as a give-away to corporate interests.[75]

Still, some critics have accused Cato of being too tied to corporate funders, especially during the 1990s. Such critics report that Cato received funding from Philip Morris and other tobacco companies during this period and that at one point Rupert Murdoch served on the boards of directors of both Cato and Philip Morris.[76]

Cato received support from 20 corporations in 2007[67] including:

Associates in the news

Milton Friedman Prize

Since 2002, the Cato Institute has awarded the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty every two years to "an individual who has made a significant contribution to advancing human freedom." The prize comes with a cash award of $500,000.

Past Prize Winners
Year Recipient Nationality
2002 Peter Thomas Bauer  British
2004 Hernando de Soto Polar  Peruvian
2006 Mart Laar  Estonian
2008 Yon Goicoechea[82]  Venezuelan
2010 Akbar Ganji[83]  Iranian

Board of directors

As of the 2007 Annual Report[84]:


  1. Forbes List
  2. "25 Years at Cato". Retrieved 2009-07-10. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 Mike Allen, "Semantics Shape Social Security Debate: Democrats Assail 'Crisis' While GOP Gives 'Privatization' a 'Personal' Twist", Washington Post, January 23, 2005, p. A04
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Cutting Corporate Welfare Could Fund a Bush Social Security Plan" by Andrew Biggs and Maya Macguineas, CATO Institute, January 6, 2003
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Global Warming", Cato Handbook for Congress: Policy Recommendations for the 108th Congress, ch. 45, p. 474
  7. Show Me the Money! Dividend Payouts after the Bush Tax Cut
  8. 8.0 8.1 Daniel T. Griswold, "Immigration: Beyond the Barbed Wire", Cato Institute, December 7, 2004
  9. America Needs Real Immigration Reform
  10. Securing Our Borders Under a Temporary Guest Worker Program | Cato's Center for Trade Policy Studies
  11. Illegal Immigration: Will Congress Finally Solve It?
  12. Immigration Reform Must Include a Temporary Worker Program
  13. McCain vs. Madison
  14. John McCain on Foreign Policy: Even Worse Than Bush
  15. Hurting the Rich Important to Obama
  16. Obama's Stale New Deal
  19. "It Usually Ends With Ed Crane", The Libertarian Forum, XIV: 1-2, January-April 1981
  20. Doherty, ibidem, p.446: "The Cato Institute had relocated itelf [sic] to Ronald Reagan's Washington in the early 1980s..."
  21. Academic Search Complete: Journals & Magazines Only, EBSCO
  22. ProQuest Database: ProQuest 5000 International, ProQuest
  23. Business Source Complete: Journals & Magazines Only, EBSCO
  24. ProQuest Database: ProQuest 5000 International, ProQuest
  25. "Publications." [1] Retrieved November 12, 2007.
  26. "Books." [2] Retrieved November 12, 2007.
  27. "About Cato", Cato Institute
  28. Clay Risen, "How Bush Lost the Libertarians", The New Republic
  29. Gene Healy and Timothy Lynch, "Power Surge: The Constitutional Record of George W. Bush", Cato Institute, May 1, 2006
  30. Christopher Preble, "Exiting Iraq: Why the U.S. Must End the Military Occupation and Renew the War against Al Qaeda", Cato Institute
  31. Stephen Slivinski, Buck Wild: How Republicans Broke the Bank and Became the Party of Big Government, August 2006
  32. Michael D. Tanner, Leviathan on the Right: How Big-Government Conservatism Brought Down the Republican Revolution, February 2007
  33. Daniel Griswold, "Willing Workers: Fixing the Problem of Illegal Mexican Migration to the United States", Cato Institute, October 15, 2002
  34. Jim VandeHei and Zachary A. Goldfarb, "Immigration Deal at Risk as House GOP Looks to Voters", Washington Post, May 28, 2006, p. A01
  35. Crane, Edward H.; and William A. Niskanen. "Upholding Liberty in America". Financial Times. June 24, 2003.
  36. Crane, Edward H. "The Government Habit". Cato Policy Report. November/December 1995.
  37. Preble, Christopher and Justin Logan. "Neocons Forced to Face Reality". July 26, 2004.
  40. Lindsey, Brink. "Liberaltarians". December 4, 2006.
  41. "Cato on "How to Label Cato"". The Cato Institute. Cato Institute. Archived from the original on 2007-08-22. Retrieved 2008-02-29. 
  42. "Ayn Rand’s Q & A on Libertarianism", Ayn Rand Institute,
  43. Robert James Bidinotto
  44. William Niskanen, "House Faces the Dumbest Bill of the Year (So Far): A $2.10 Increase in the Minimum Wage", Cato@Libery, 2006-06-14
  45. 45.0 45.1 "Drug War", Cato Institute
  46. "Budget and Taxes: Corporate Welfare", Cato Institute
  47. "Regulatory Studies", Cato Institute
  48. "Constitutional Issues: Federalism"
  49. "Education and Child Policy: School Choice", Cato Institute
  50. "Civil Rights", Cato Institute
  52. 52.0 52.1
  53. Lozada, Carlos (May 3, 2009). "The Big Idea -- The Power Problem". The Washington Post. Retrieved April 28, 2010. 
  54. Thomas C. O'Brien, "Constitutional and Antitrust Violations of the Multistate Tobacco Settlement", Policy Analysis no. 371, Cato Institute, May 18, 2000
  55. Anthony Hawks, "The Balanced Budget Veto: A New Mechanism to Limit Federal Spending", Policy Analysis no. 487, Cato Institute, September 4, 2003
  58. Radley Balko, "Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America", Cato Institute, July 17, 2006
  59. The Cato Institute Page on Energy and the Environment. Accessed January 31, 2008.
  60. The Cato Institute Official web site page on Global Warming. Accessed January 31, 2008.
  61. Cato Institute (2008). Energy and Environment. Retrieved on 2008-01-31 from
  62. On The Big Story, Cato Institute fellow falsely asserted that IPCC findings contradict Gore's "beyond shrill" claim, found at Media Matter Official web site. Retrieved on 2008-01-31.
  63. "The Doubters of Global Warming". Frontline. Accessed January 31, 2008.
  64. Taylor, Jerry; Peter Van Doren (2003-11-19). "Mighty Porking Power Rangers: Scanning the energy bill". National Review Online. Retrieved 2008-05-27. 
  65. Taylor, Jerry; Peter Van Doren (2007-01-27). "Ethanol Makes Gasoline Costlier, Dirtier". Chicago Sun-Times. 
  66. 66.0 66.1 Cato Institute 2007 Annual Report, p. 46 (Figures are for fiscal year ending March 31, 2008.)
  67. 67.0 67.1 2007 Cato Fndn Annual Report p. 46. Retrieved 5/9/09.
  68. "Drug Reimportation: The Free Market Solution", Policy Analysis no. 521, Cato Institute, August 4, 2004
  69. Gigi Sohn, "A Welcome Voice on the Right", Public Knowledge, March 21, 2006
  70. James Bovard, "Archer Daniels Midland: A Case Study In Corporate Welfare", Policy Analysis no. 241, September 26, 1995
  71. Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel, "Ending Corporate Welfare As We Know It", Policy Analysis no. 225, May 12, 1995
  72. Stephen Slivinski, "The Corporate Welfare Budget: Bigger Than Ever", Policy Analysis no. 415, October 10, 2001
  73. Stephen Slivinski, "The Corporate Welfare State: How the Federal Government Subsidizes U.S. Businesses", Policy Analysis no. 592, May 14, 2007
  74. Edward H. Crane and Carl Pope, "Fueled by Pork", July 30, 2002
  75. Jerry Taylor and Daniel Becker, "Energy Bill Blues", July 2, 2005
  76. Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, August 2004
  77. Cato scholar jokes about using undocumented immigrants to soak up oil: ‘they’re very absorbent.’ ", Think Progress , Jun 10th, 2010 (retrieved June 11, 2010)
  78. "Hudson v. Michigan: Cato Expert Says Court is Wrong on "No-Knock" Police Raids", Cato Institute press release, June 15, 2006
  79. Supreme Court May Take Gun Case - New York Times
  80. Richard Morin and Claudia Deane, "The Ideas Industry", Washington Post, October 12, 1999, p. A17
  81. Herald Tibune article. Accessed February 14, 2008.
  82. Associated Press (April 23, 2008). "Student wins $500,000 for challenging Chavez". MSNBC. 
  83. "Iranian writer Akbar Ganji wins Milton Friedman Prize". 13 April 2010. Retrieved 14 April 2010. 
  84. 2007 Cato Inst Annual Report p. 49 (unnumbered). Retrieved 5/9/09.

External links
